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Inhabitants of Adaris

From Adaris
Revision as of 11:56, 4 March 2025 by Oros (talk | contribs)

The Inhabitants of Adaris encompass a diverse array of sentient beings, each uniquely shaped by the elemental and spiritual forces of the world. From those descended from the Primordial Spirits to those formed by the merging of elements and consciousness, the inhabitants of Adaris have adapted to their respective environments and developed distinct cultures, traditions, and abilities.


The inhabitants of Adaris can generally be classified based on their origin and nature. While distinctions are fluid due to the influence of spirits and elemental forces, most beings fall into the following broad categories:

Corporeal Beings

Corporeal beings possess physical forms and are bound to the material world. They are typically descended from Ancestral Spirits, Nascent Spirits, or the fusion of elemental consciousness.

Spiritual Beings

Some inhabitants of Adaris exist in a liminal state between the material and spiritual worlds. These beings often serve as intermediaries between mortals and the greater forces that govern Adaris.

Societal Roles

The various peoples of Adaris occupy unique roles within the world. Some are builders of vast civilizations, while others remain nomadic, following the rhythms of the land.

Known Inhabitants


An Orasian Elder.

Main article: Orasians

The Orasians are a people formed from the consciousness of the Oras itself, embodying endurance, stability, and patience. They dwell in the ancient halls of Terasil, where they shape stone and uphold the traditions of their kind.

  • Region: Terasil
  • Notable Traits: Stone-like skin, immense endurance, geomantic abilities
  • Culture: Structured around clans and castes, guided by the Council of Stone


A Sunshifter shaman.

Main article: Sunshifters

The Sunshifters are nomadic alchemists and illusionists who roam the Zanarak Desert. Born from the merging of the spirits of sand and mirages, they have developed techniques to survive in the harsh desert by blending magic, alchemy, and engineering.

  • Region: Zanarak Desert
  • Notable Traits: Suncoat-treated skin, mirage vision, illusion weaving
  • Culture: Organized into traveling caravans, led by Luminaries


File:Gilaari artisan.jpg
A Gilaari artisan.

Main article: Gilaari

The Gilaari are reptilian desert dwellers who have adapted to life in Mirajhar, the shifting city of sand. They believe the city itself is sentient and guide its movements through ancient rituals and knowledge.

  • Region: Mirajhar, Zanarak Desert
  • Notable Traits: Quadrupedal and bipedal movement, keen desert vision
  • Culture: Governed by the Council of the Shifting Sands, revered as the city's keepers


A Minthari working deep within the Anvil Range.

Main article: Minthari

The Minthari are subterranean beings born from the greed-driven spirits of the deep earth. Though once seen as mere extractors of resources, they have formed a thriving culture based on craftsmanship and trade.

  • Region: The Deep Roads, beneath Terasil
  • Notable Traits: Small, dexterous, exceptional miners and smiths
  • Culture: Highly mobile societies, led by trade guilds and mining councils

See Also