Inhabitants of Adaris
The inhabitants of Adaris encompass a vast spectrum of sentient beings, each shaped by the spiritual, elemental, and geographic forces of their realm. From the stoneborn of Terasil to the wind-carried wanderers of Vaelthar, every sophant reflects a different balance of survival, culture, and spiritual resonance.
The peoples of Adaris fall broadly into two categories:
Sophants are corporeal, sentient beings who have developed language, culture, and societal structures. Many are descendants of the Primordial Spirits or were formed through the merging of elemental and conscious forces.
Spiritual Beings
Entities that exist between the material and metaphysical realms. Some serve as guides, guardians, or manifestations of deeper forces and may interact with or inhabit the same realms as sophants.
Sophants of Adaris

Main article: Orasians
Realm: Terasil
Traits: Stone-like bodies, immense endurance, geomantic resonance
Culture: Clan-based society built into mountains, governed by the Council of Stone

Main article: Sunshifters
Realm: Zanarak
Traits: Mirage illusionists, skin treated for heat, spiritual alchemists
Culture: Traveling caravans guided by Luminaries and desert spirits

Main article: Gilaari
Realm: Zanarak
Traits: Reptilian desert-dwellers, keen navigators, blend bipedal and quadrupedal movement
Culture: Keepers of Mirajhar, ruled by the Council of the Shifting Sands

Main article: Minthari
Realm: The Deep Roads beneath Terasil
raits: Small, dexterous, subterranean builders
Culture: Highly mobile guilds of miners, smiths, and geomancers

Main article: Drahar
Realm: Orrakar
Traits: Stony-skinned scavengers, seismic perception, cliff-dwelling engineers
Culture: Salvage-driven, philosophical society built around erosion and reclamation

Main article: Dralvir
Realm: Celyndor
Traits: Antlered giants with bark-like skin, deeply tied to nature
Culture: Guardians of sacred forests, living embodiments of Kaelthorin’s will

Main article: Korrash
Realm: Tahr’Zul
Traits: Heat-resistant extremophiles, sulfur-breathing, volcanic survivors
Culture: Clan-based survivalists, some aligned with the Burnt Creed

Main article: Kuthar
Realm: Orrakar
Traits: Nocturnal gliders, dust-repellent fur, canyon-adapted
Culture: Mesa-farmers and insect-keepers living in wind-suspended cities

Main article: Nahari
Realm: Fendralis
Traits: Amphibious, bioluminescent, deep-sea adapted
Culture: Federation of island-clans, masters of underwater survival and abyssal rituals

Main article: Torinok
Realm: Vaelthar
Traits: Yak-like humanoids, patient and powerful
Culture: Builders of enduring meadows and monoliths, valuing rooted permanence

Main article: Vey'Lora
Realm: Vaelthar
Traits: Light-footed nomads, skin and hair marked by the wind
Culture: Perpetual wanderers, guided by wind and Vaelora’s breath