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From Adaris
AspectRivers, lakes, and oceans

Jala, the primordial spirit of water, embodies the essence of fluidity, adaptability, and the life-giving properties of water. Born from the chaotic energies of Astram within the Primordial Void, Jala represents the ever-moving, ever-changing force that nurtures life and reshapes the world. Wherever there is water in Adaris, Jala's presence can be felt, providing sustenance, renewal, and the power of transformation.

Nature and influence

Jala is all forms of water in Adaris—from the tiniest raindrop to the vast oceans. Its influence is felt in the flow of rivers, the tides of the seas, and the moisture in the air. Jala embodies the qualities of fluidity and change, representing the cyclical nature of existence, where life is born, sustained, and renewed through water.

Water is not only a physical force but a spiritual one as well, symbolizing emotional depth, intuition, and the ability to adapt to one's surroundings. Jala influences the hearts and minds of those who attune to the spirit of water, offering guidance in matters of emotion, healing, and transformation.

Jala is also closely associated with cleansing and purification, both physically and spiritually. Rituals of cleansing often involve invoking Jala to wash away impurities, whether they be tangible or metaphorical.


The realm of Jala, known as Pelagia, is a vast, boundless ocean that stretches infinitely in all directions. Pelagia is a domain of pure water, a realm that is teeming with life, from the smallest microorganisms to the largest sea creatures, all thriving in the nurturing waters of Jala.

In Pelagia, water is both a force of creation and a vast habitat. The realm embodies the dual nature of Jala, nurturing life through its nourishing waters while also possessing the power to engulf and reshape. The ocean's currents and tides flow with purpose, creating an ever-changing underwater landscape that mirrors the dynamic nature of water itself.

The physical world of Adaris is deeply connected to Pelagia. The oceans, rivers, and lakes serve as conduits between the two realms, allowing the energies of Jala to flow freely into the material plane. It is believed that when water moves, it carries the breath of Jala, giving life to all it touches and maintaining the balance between the elements.


The manipulation of water in Osia is known as Jalasia, a branch of elemental magic that focuses on controlling the flow, movement, and transformative power of water. Practitioners of Jalasia, called Jalasiari, are attuned to the consciousness of water, aligning their minds with Jala's essence to manipulate this vital element.

Jalasiari can shape water to suit their needs, whether by guiding rivers, calming storms, or even transforming the moisture in the air. Advanced Jalasiari are able to manipulate vast bodies of water or create new forms from water, tapping into Jala's boundless adaptability.

Through Jalasia, Osiari learn to work with the flow of emotions and life, understanding that water is a reflection of the emotional and spiritual state of the world. As with the tides, Jalasiari can influence and calm emotions or stir them into action, making them healers, guides, or warriors when needed.

Jalasia teaches that, like water, life is always in motion, and true mastery comes from understanding and embracing the natural flow rather than trying to control it completely.

Significance and worship

Jala is revered throughout Adaris as the source of life and nourishment. Temples and shrines dedicated to Jala are often located near bodies of water, such as rivers, lakes, and springs. Offerings to Jala typically involve water rituals, where participants pray for rain, good harvests, and the purification of body and spirit.

Farmers and fishermen often call upon Jala's blessings to ensure bountiful crops and abundant catches. Those seeking emotional healing or transformation also turn to Jala for guidance, hoping to wash away their troubles and find renewal in its waters. Communities celebrate Jala during festivals that honor the cycles of water and the life it sustains, such as festivals marking the return of the rains or the changing of the tides.