Cities and Towns of Delmora
The settlements of Delmora follow the courses of its great rivers and the shores of the eastern lake, where seasonal floods and fertile soils have shaped human and nonhuman habitation alike. From river-carved capitals to floating raft-cities, Delmora’s settlements serve as hubs of trade, spirituality, engineering, and cultural memory.
Major Cities
Located at the confluence of the Twin Rivers, Kelmarin is the political and economic capital of Delmora. Its tiered construction follows the flood gradient, with canal-bound districts arranged by craft and function.
Braskir’s Hold
A dam-city built at the mouth of the Great Lake, Braskir’s Hold regulates floodwaters and secures trade routes. Its sluice-gates double as defensive bulwarks.
Zelmari Wharf
Midway along the central river system, Zelmari Wharf is a mercantile city known for its floating markets, shipwrights, and Ruvin architecture built atop reinforced stilt causeways.
The Ulshari capital, half-submerged in the Great Lake. Its halls descend beneath the water, housing the Sunken Archives and sacred Depthkeeper enclaves.
A drifting raft-city that migrates seasonally along the lake’s north shore. Known for flexible architecture and spiritual ceremonies that align with the phases of the moon and tides.
Mara’s Reach
Mara’s Reach is Delmora’s southernmost city and its primary seaport, where the inland riverways meet the ocean. Mara’s Reach is a fortified delta-city, resting on an artificial foundation of sunken stone platforms and canal locks. It operates as Delmora’s maritime gateway, funneling riverborne goods into international trade routes.
Rethar’s Wake (northern port city)
On the northernmost shore of the Great Lake, Rethar’s Wake is a frigid harbor wrapped in fog and glacial spray. Part fishing port, part lore-keeper enclave, it serves as the last major waystation before reaching the mountain-fed rivers beyond. Its cold-resistant docks and frozen-light towers are icons of stoic resilience.
Velkharn Pass (northern pass city into Terasil)
Situated where the river narrows into the highland cleft leading into Terasil, Velkharn Pass is a frost-hardened city built into canyon walls. Its stone and timber architecture blends Delmoran hydraulics with Terasili geomancy. It houses customs courts, reservoir sanctuaries, and a defensive keep known as the Iron Spillway.
Perched on a rocky island where two tributaries merge, Dornavar commands a vital confluence. Its defensive stone terraces, tiered docks, and fortified aqueduct bridges make it a strategic stronghold. It functions as a cultural melting pot and a central node for trade caravans bound for both lake and highland routes.
Halveret Cross
A trade town located at a shallow river ford, where merchants from across Delmora converge during the dry season.
Meveth’s Rise
A northern town perched atop river-carved bluffs. Known for windwatch towers and early-melt irrigation systems.
Talren Gate
Situated at the northern mouth of the Southern Spur, this town serves as a customs checkpoint and guardian of the southern routes.
Dovris Bend
Built at a dramatic river meander. Known for its spiral temples and rotating ferry bridges.
Luraen Ford
A fortified farming town reliant on flood-irrigation systems. It oversees key grain transport along the mid-river.
A stone-built town at the base of the Northern Highlands. Known for its cold-resistant aquaculture practices.
Keshvar Landing
A lakeside port-town that trades in algae textiles and fishsmoke, popular among lake travelers.
A riverbank settlement surrounded by willow forests. Renowned for its weavers and herbalists.
Ulthwen Reach
A mixed Ruvin-Ulshari town on a river-lake inlet. Serves as a neutral meeting place between factions.
A trade-focused town nestled in a lowland floodplain. Uses elevated trellis housing to avoid seasonal inundation.
Zarthis Hollow
A foggy lakeside town built partially underground. Home to seers and silent sanctuaries.
A town hidden in a misted river gorge, known for its floodseer convent and ceremonial floating gardens.
Teshvar Crossing
Built on a triple-arched aqueduct bridge, this town is a key trade and toll station between eastern and central Delmora.
Myrden Flats – A lowland settlement famed for floating flax farms and extensive use of reedcraft in its architecture.
Osrith’s Bend – Curving along a wide oxbow lake, Osrith’s Bend is a wine-producing town with vine-draped terraces and ritual rainwatching.
Fenlor Reach – A lakeside town protected by mangrove walls and known for its woven fish sanctuaries and cloud-silk exports.
Kalev’s Rest – Located on a pilgrimage road, it houses a reliquary to Naithis and functions as a place of ritual cleansing.
Dralven Ford – A key crossing point with stone groynes and floodgate systems. Known for horsecarts, stables, and seasonal fairs.
Liseth Hollow – A half-sunken town that floods each spring, its residents build up rather than retreat. Noted for floating sanctuaries and upper-canopy dwellings.
Orun Vale – Built around a sacred pool, this town has a tradition of oral history and riverballad performances.
Mareth Strand – A high-bank settlement known for its pearl divers and moonlight boat races.
Tarnel Watch – A defensive riverside hold built near the northern trade path, with signal towers and reinforced sluices.
Shivar Crest – Located on a hilly islet, this town functions as a scriptorium and flood-scribe guild hub.
Darresh Hollow – A fogbound basin town that cultivates rare boglotus used in Ruvin alchemy and Ulshari seer practices.
Yurn’s Fall – Set near a river cataract, it uses kinetic water wheels and hydraulic elevators. Known for artisan mills.
Elarin Moor – A mid-river town famed for musical bridge-festivals and amphibious mount training.
Keshwin Bluffs – Towering above a river split, this stone-walled town is a site of political refuge and noble exile.
Zareth Mire – A swamp-edge town reliant on moss silk, frog-farming, and herbal liqueurs.
Thorne’s Hollow – Forested riverside town, serving as a lumber trade hub and druidic enclave.
Nellorin’s Watch – Overlooks a lake inlet and serves as a defense tower and beaconsmith outpost.
Gravenmoor – Built into marshstone, its stilt-walks and wet markets support a mixed Ruvin-lakeborn culture.
Isareth Crossing – Located where two trade rivers intersect, famed for duel-ferries and twin marketplaces.
Beldrin Rise – A plateau town just above the floodplain, known for astronomy and flood-mapping observatories.
Zarneth Gate – Positioned at a key river junction and used as a checkpoint for barges crossing province borders.
Mirras Toll – Built at a narrow canyon choke, this fortified town is key to river security and merchant taxation.
Harnel’s Drift – A downstream settlement that drifts seasonally on barge-foundations. Its residents follow the river’s rhythm.
Tellerun Wash – Near a convergence of minor tributaries, known for dye-trade, ritual laundry, and spinnercraft guilds.
Villages are numerous and primarily agricultural, spiritual, or centered around fishing and minor trade. A few named examples:
- Rasthir Hollow – A crescent-shaped lake village known for water gardens and bioluminescent algae farms.
- Vernil Spring – Nestled beside a freshwater tributary. Known for reedcraft and pilgrimage festivals.
- Torlis Fen – Built on stilts over a floodplain. Renowned for amphibious livestock herding.
- Eshar’s Drift – A mobile barge-village of seasonal farmers and traders.
- Luthen Spire – Features a bell tower that serves as a flood gauge and weather signaler.
- Dremel Wash – A riverbend farming cluster dependent on seasonal silt deposits.
- Kareth’s Circle – Centered around an ancient, overgrown stone ring believed to mark a forgotten flood oracle.
(Additional villages can be inserted here as your worldbuilding expands.)
- Ravenspike Watch – A tower at the edge of the Northern Highlands, used for weather prediction and border defense.
- Saltford Bastion – A supply depot at the southern end of the river route, where brackish water begins.
- The Overflow – A defensive structure built to divert excess floodwater from reaching the central river towns.
- Thalen's Gap – A canyon outpost used for monitoring landslides and spring runoff surges.
- Shroud Basin Post – A fog-shrouded lake station housing the Keepers of Stillness.
- The Southwater Span – A minor customs outpost and ferry checkpoint near the southernmost lake routes.