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From Adaris
AspectErosion, Illusion, Transformation

Arenam, the Spirit of Sand and Glass, is an Ancestral Spirit born from the merging of Oras, the Primordial Spirit of Earth, and Shasae, the Primordial Spirit of Air. Unlike the original Primordial Spirits, Arenam is part of the next generation of spiritual beings, emerging as a conscious force shaped by the interaction of elements over time. Arenam embodies erosion, illusion, and the constant transformation of the desert, shaping the ever-shifting sands of the Zanarak Desert.


The Zanarak Desert is Arenam’s domain—a vast, ever-changing wasteland where no structure remains the same for long. It is a place of extremes, where the scorching sun bakes the dunes by day, and cold winds sweep across the sands by night.

Zanarak’s landscape reflects Arenam’s will, with dunes that shift overnight, swallowing entire landmarks, and crystalline formations of fused sand that shimmer like mirages in the distance. To the unwary, the desert is an unforgiving death trap, but to those who understand Arenam’s nature, it is a realm of endless possibility and transformation.


The mystical practice of Arenasia is a branch of Osia that focuses on the manipulation of sand, illusion, and transformation. Practitioners of Arenasia, known as Arenasiari, learn to harness the transient nature of the desert to deceive, adapt, and control their surroundings.

Arenasiari abilities include:

  •    Shifting Sands – Controlling dunes to create or erase paths, shaping the battlefield to their advantage.
  •    Mirage Weaving – Bending light and heat to create illusions, misleading enemies or concealing themselves.
  •    Glasscraft – Using concentrated heat and alchemy to create glass weapons, tools, or even armor.
  •    Desert Resonance – Attuning themselves to the wind and sand, sensing movement over vast distances.

These abilities make Arenasiari feared and respected, particularly among the nomadic peoples of Zanarak, such as the Sunshifters and the Gilaari.