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Geography of Terasil

From Adaris
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The realm of Terasil, associated with the elemental influence of the Oras, the Primordial Spirit of Earth, is characterized by a diverse and enduring landscape shaped by prolonged geological and elemental processes. Defined by its expansive mountain ranges, deep valleys, arid plains, and vast subterranean systems, Terasil is among the oldest physical regions in Adaris. Its varied geography has played a central role in the development of longstanding civilizations, including the Orasians and Minthari.


Terasil’s terrain includes mountainous highlands, fertile valleys, arid flats, and complex cave systems. Each of these landforms contributes to the distinct economic practices, settlement patterns, and cultural identities of its inhabitants.

Valleys and Plains

Emerald Valley: Situated in the shadow of the Citadel Mountains, this valley has been cultivated extensively and is known for its fertile soil and agricultural output. The name derives from the green hue of its fields, which contrast with the surrounding rocky slopes.

The Fractured Wedge is a geologically unstable upland corridor situated between the eastern flanks of the Citadel Mountains, the northern extensions of the Khargaath Range, and the western face of the Astralith Range. The region is composed of jagged ridgelines, fault-scarred stonefields, and partially collapsed strata, remnants of past tectonic upheaval.

While largely uninhabited on the surface, the Fractured Wedge contains several disused or sealed passages within the Deep Roads, many of which are considered spiritually hazardous or politically sensitive. The area has historically served as a territorial buffer between Orasian and Minthari domains, though access is highly restricted due to seismic instability and unresolved boundary claims beneath the surface.

Yalta Expanse: A dry plain in eastern Terasil, shaped by the rain shadow of the Citadel Mountains. Though arid, the region supports limited agriculture through resilient crop strains adapted by local communities.

Saltmirror Basin: West of the Khargath Range, the Saltmirror Basin is a salt flat formed from the evaporation of an ancient inland sea. Its reflective surface and mineral deposits have made it notable both as a site of resource extraction and as a navigational challenge.

Minthal Valley: Located between the Anvil and Astralith Ranges, this mineral-rich valley is the cultural and economic center for the Minthari. The valley hosts subterranean cities and forge-complexes renowned for their stone and metalwork traditions.

Sanctuary Vale: A secluded valley in central Terasil, regarded by the Orasians as a place of cultural and historical importance. It remains largely undisturbed due to its geographical isolation.

Graveyard of the Fallen: Positioned near the Cairnwall Range, this plain is marked by natural stone formations and carved monuments. Oral traditions connect the site with significant historical conflicts. It continues to serve as a place of annual remembrance for certain Orasian communities.

Mountain Ranges

Mountain ranges form the dominant geographic features of Terasil, acting as physical boundaries, climatic influencers, and symbolic markers in regional traditions.

Citadel Mountains: Centrally located, this range is among the oldest in Terasil and contains numerous sacred and political sites, including the city of Kar-Thal.

Anvil Range: East of the Citadel Mountains, known for its extensive mineral deposits and active mining networks maintained primarily by Minthari clans.

Terraces of Mist: Southwest of the Citadel Mountains, this range is characterized by consistent mist and transitional ecosystems between the earth- and water-aligned regions of Adaris.

Khargaath Range: A rugged range west of the Citadel Mountains, shaped by ancient volcanic activity. Settlements such as Djes-Val are located along its lower slopes.

Astralith Range: Located adjacent to the Anvil Range, this range is known for its dark, reflective stone and minimal vegetation. It remains sparsely inhabited.

Scarspire Range: East of the Yalta Expanse, this weathered range borders the Zanarak desert and is shaped by consistent exposure to desert winds.

Cairnwall Range: Southwest of Seh-Kal, this broken mountain range is distinguished by its shifting boulder fields and loose formations.

Tearfall Range: Encircling Emerald Valley, this range derives its name from the valley’s drop-shaped outline as seen from elevated passes.

Boundary Mountains: This western highland range features steep, iron-rich peaks and has historically served as a natural border against incursions from outside Terasil.

Notable Locations

Terasil contains extensive subterranean networks and caverns, developed through natural geological processes and sustained by centuries of engineering and cultural adaptation.

  • The Deep Roads: An interconnected network of tunnels used for trade, migration, and refuge. These roads link major settlements across Terasil, including Kar-Thal and Minthal. Though widely used, they are approached with caution due to their spiritual associations and natural instability in certain regions.
  • Caverns of Echoes: A series of naturally resonant cave systems used by Orasian communities for meditative and ritual practices. These caverns are notable for their acoustic properties and are considered important for their experiential role in spiritual observance.