Page values for "Serithal"
"_pageData" values
1 row is stored for this pageField | Field type | Value |
_pageID | Integer | 322 |
_pageName | Page | Serithal |
_pageTitle | String | Serithal |
_pageNamespace | Integer | 0 |
"Realm_Infobox" values
1 row is stored for this pageField | Field type | Value |
Realm_Name | String | Serithal |
Image | Wikitext | |
Spirit | List of Page, delimiter: , | Seltharun |
Inhabitants | List of Page, delimiter: , | |
Notable_Settlements | List of Page, delimiter: , | |
Significance | List of Text, delimiter: , | A domain of renewal and balance • where land and water exist in perfect harmony. |
"History" values
1 row is stored for this pageField | Field type | Allowed values | Value |
Introduction | Wikitext | Serithal, the Hidden Current, is a vast inland lake-realm, where freshwater sustains all who live within its depths and upon its central island. Serithal is a realm of constant, unseen motion—currents that shift beneath the surface, shaping the world in ways not always perceived. It is a domain of balance, where water and land embrace rather than oppose one another, creating a self-sustaining cycle of renewal. | |
History | Wikitext | ||
Cultural_Significance | Wikitext | ||
Notable_Settlments | Wikitext | ||
Geography | Wikitext | Serithal is defined by its massive freshwater expanse, hidden underwater currents, and a singular, sacred island rising from its heart. | |
Climate | Wikitext | editor=visualeditor | Serithal’s climate is gentle and temperate, where water and land shape the air, creating an atmosphere of renewal and vitality. |
Flora_and_Fauna | Wikitext | ||
Inhabitants | Wikitext | ||
See_Also | Wikitext | ||
Bibliography | Wikitext |