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Page values for "Kar-Thal"

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"Settlement_Infobox" values

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FieldField typeValue
TypeTextCapital City
LocationStringCitadel Mountains, Central Terasil
InhabitantsList of Page, delimiter: ,Orasian
SignificanceTextAncient capital and spiritual heart of Terasil

"Settlement_Sections" values

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Kar-Thal is the ancient capital and spiritual heart of Terasil, the realm of Oras. Carved into the core of the Citadel Mountains, it is the largest and oldest city in Terasil and serves as the center of Orasian civilization. Revered as both a city and a living embodiment of the earth, Kar-Thal reflects the values of endurance, patience, and unity with the land.


Kar-Thal is located deep within the Citadel Mountains, a rugged and sacred range that shelters the remnants of the original primordial realm. The city itself is vertically structured, with multi-tiered districts built into the natural contours of the mountain. Its architecture is entirely integrated with the mountain stone, avoiding external alteration and embracing the natural flow of the rock.


Founded during the Era of Isolation, Kar-Thal emerged as the first permanent settlement of the Orasians. It has served as a continuous center of governance, tradition, and spiritual practice since the earliest days of Terasil. Throughout the Great Erosion and the arrival of other elemental forces, Kar-Thal remained a bastion of earth-aligned culture, adapting slowly without compromising its core principles.


Darak-Kel[edit source]

Darak-Kel is the political and ceremonial heart of Kar-Thal. Built around the Great Hall of Oras, it houses the chambers of the Council of Stone, ancestral relic vaults, and oath-steppes where major decrees are recorded. Public access is limited; citizens gather in outer halls to hear resonant broadcasts of council proceedings.

The Veins[edit source]

The Veins are a residential and market district. A living web of tunnels and grotto-homes, where daily commerce and family life unfold. Glowstone lanterns light stone-cut plazas, and vendors chant in rhythmic tones tuned to the chamber acoustics. This district pulses with Kar-Thal’s economic and communal heartbeat.

Kel-Siruun[edit source]

Kel-Siruun hosts the Archives and Stonecraft Guilds. A tiered arc of carved vaults and scholar-caverns surrounding the Ashlar Vaults. Home to Lorewardens, record-keepers, and artisans. Every wall here is etched with law-stones, genealogical records, and geological treatises. Entrance to inner archives requires a memory-oath.

Surn's Refuge[edit source]

Inside Kar-Thal

Surn's Refuge is a district focused on contemplation and public ceremony A cavernous sanctuary filled with mineral chimes and natural spires. The city's most sacred public rituals take place here.

The Stonesteps[edit source]

The Stonesteps are the place for trials and Initiations. A dangerous spiraling stair carved from obsidian-glass along a vertical chasm wall. Used for trials of endurance and rites of passage. Only those seeking to join the ranks of Rite-Keepers, Stonewardens, or the city’s ritual classes are permitted to ascend.

Tarsu-un[edit source]

Tarsu-un is the district with quarry access and the miner clans This district lies closest to the city’s outer quarry networks and is inhabited by stonecutters and tunnel shapers. The dwellings here are more utilitarian, with marked clan-stones above entrances. Known for its practical dialect and unadorned architecture.

Stone's Hold[edit source]

Stone's Hold is a defensive stronghold and logistics hub. Located around the Lithic Gate, this fortified district houses the city’s Stonewarden barracks, storehouses, and defense infrastructure. Earth-osia patterns are embedded in its floor to allow rapid reinforcement in case of seismic or spiritual intrusion.

Varen-Kelun[edit source]

Varen-Kelun houses the diplomatic and external relations A recently adapted district, housing visitors, traders, and emissaries from beyond Terasil. Built from contrasting stone patterns to subtly express Orasian dominance. Ritual interpreters and echo-linguists serve as mediators between cultures.


The Gates of Origin[edit source]

The Gates of Origin are the sole entrance to inner Terasil and thought to be the home of Oras himself. This sacred valley has been sealed off by the Gates of Origin for centuries. The Gates are believed to never have been open.

The Grand Hall of Oras[edit source]

The Grand Hall of Oras is the central chamber of governance and ritual. Its basalt columns and echoing stone acoustics are said to resonate with the voice of Oras himself. Here, the Council of Stone deliberates under the watch of ancient statues carved from the mountain's heart.

Tarrakul Arhun ("The Rooted Temple")[edit source]

Tarrakul Arhun is a sanctuary built around a massive column of uncarved stone, considered a raw conduit of Oras’s essence. Silent ceremonies are conducted in its shadow, with worshipers pressing their foreheads to the stone to receive visions.

The Ashlar Vaults[edit source]

The Ashlar Vaults is a tiered archive of knowledge and law, composed of memory-stones and carved tablets. The Vaults are maintained by the Lorewardens, who chisel updated records and guard ancient civic decrees dating back to the city's founding.

Hall of Binding Echoes[edit source]

The Hall of Binding Echoes is a secluded chamber where oaths are sworn and ancestral pacts sealed. The acoustics preserve and repeat vows whispered into the stone, allowing them to echo across generations.

The Lithic Gate[edit source]

The Lithic Gate is a fortified threshold into Kar-Thal, constructed from interlocking slabs without mortar. The gate’s architecture is designed to shift subtly with seismic vibrations, rendering it unbreachable. Guarded by Earthbound Sentinels


Life in Kar-Thal is governed by a distinct rhythm—slow, deliberate, and steeped in ceremonial precision. As the seat of the Council of Stone, and indeed directly ruled by the council, the city embodies the most formal and conservative expression of Orasian values. Every civic process, from decision-making to public labor, is measured by ritual intervals and guided by ancestral precedent.

Kar-Thal is divided into districts, each tied to a particular function and lineage. Civic identity is shaped not by family, but by district allegiance, often passed through apprenticeships, work guilds, or stone-oaths. The city’s most prestigious districts, like the Heartstone and Ashlar Ring, are home to elder-chambers, judges, and archive-keepers, while districts like the Veins serve as centers for commerce and daily life.

Public speech is an art form in Kar-Thal. Orasians here are trained in resonance speaking, adjusting their cadence and tone to resonate with the stone architecture, allowing spoken words to carry with clarity and power. This practice lends a ceremonial air even to routine announcements and has shaped a civic culture in which silence between statements is considered a mark of respect and reflection.

Ceremonial roles in Kar-Thal are deeply institutionalized. Stonewardens, Lorewardens, and Rite-Keepers maintain the city’s sacred routines: from maintaining memory-stone registries, to overseeing the sunrise offerings made in the Zarkesh Hollow. These roles are inherited through stone-oaths and recognized by the Council.

Citizens of Kar-Thal observe Veshariin (Harmonic Days), when public life slows to a standstill and citizens descend into meditation chambers or echo halls to attune themselves with subterranean vibrations. These moments of stillness are said to maintain spiritual balance and civic unity.

Artisans within Kar-Thal craft not for beauty, but for endurance and memory. The city’s workshops produce oath-chisels, echo-lamps, and resonance masks, used in rituals and legal proceedings. Each item is carefully cataloged in the Ashlar Vaults, ensuring that no creation exists without recorded purpose.

Above all, Kar-Thal is a city where time is measured by stone, not stars. Its people live embedded in their city’s material memory—literally carved into its halls—and believe that to dwell in Kar-Thal is to be shaped by it in return.


The city is situated atop a powerful node of Oras’s essence. Earthbound Spirits are frequently encountered within its caverns and halls, often taking part in civic rituals. Orasians believe Kar-Thal to be one of the few remaining places where the voice of Oras can be heard directly through stone and echo.


Kar-Thal’s economy centers on stonecraft, mineral trade, and earth-imbued artifacts. While not aggressively expansionist, it maintains deep trade ties with Minthari settlements and nearby regions. The Earthheart Forge and the Veins host markets where both mundane and spiritual goods are exchanged.


Kar-Thal is naturally fortified by the Citadel Mountains. In addition, its defenders—the Stonewardens—are elite earth-attuned warriors capable of reshaping terrain during battle. The city’s layered structure and deep caverns make it nearly impregnable to direct assault. Defense is focused on endurance and repelling threats through terrain manipulation rather than conventional warfare.


While isolated and well-protected, Kar-Thal faces threats from deep-earth disturbances. Seismic tremors, though rare, are sometimes seen as warnings from Oras. Additionally, friction with certain rogue Minthari mining guilds poses a cultural and ecological risk to the surrounding mountain sanctity.