View table: Mountain_Range_Sections

Table structure:

  1. Introduction - Wikitext
  2. Etymology - Wikitext
  3. Geography - Wikitext
  4. Geology - Wikitext
  5. Settlements - Wikitext
  6. Economy - Wikitext
  7. Flora - Wikitext
  8. Fauna - Wikitext
  9. Cultural_Significance - Wikitext
  10. See_Also - Wikitext

This table has 9 rows altogether.

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Page Introduction Etymology Geography Geology Settlements Economy Flora Fauna Cultural Significance See Also
Anvil Range (edit) [Show]

The name "Anvil Range" comes from its association with metalworking and mining, which define the Minthari way of life. The range is often called the "Forge of Terasil", a name reflecting both its geological history and its cultural significance as the cradle of Minthari civilization.


The Anvil Range is one of the richest mineral regions in Adaris, supplying the Minthari with the resources needed to sustain their subterranean civilization

Formed by ancient volcanic activity, the mountains contain lava tubes, collapsed calderas, and vast underground caverns filled with ore

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Astralith Range (edit) [Show] [Show] [Show] [Show] [Show] [Show] [Show]
Boundary Mountains (edit) [Show] [Show] [Show]

The range is famous for its iron-rich composition, making it one of the strongest natural barriers in Terasil.

  • Metal Deposits: High concentrations of iron, nickel, and hematite.
  • Rock Formations: Massive slabs of basalt and hardened black stone, giving the mountains their distinct dark color.
  • Ironroot Shrub – A plant with roots strong enough to penetrate iron deposits.
  • Kharnvine – A creeping, black-veined vine that clings to the cliffs.
  • Windthorn Bramble – A low-growing shrub that thrives in harsh mountain winds.
  • Steelclaw Vulture – A massive scavenger bird, with razor-sharp talons.
  • Vorl-Wyrm – A serpentine predator, its scales resembling iron.
  • Kharn Ram – A large, mountain-dwelling beast, with horns as hard as steel.
Cairnwall Range (edit) [Show]

The name Cairnwall originates from ancient Orasian, referring to a wall of fallen stones. Orasian legend holds that the range was once a solid, towering wall of stone, but it has since fractured and crumbled, leaving behind a landscape of ruins shaped by time and wind.

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  • Thornspite Shrub – A hardy, low-growing plant that burrows deep into rock crevices.
  • Sandvail Moss – A thin, wind-resistant moss that clings to stone surfaces.
  • Kharrok Bloom – A rare, purple-flowered plant that emerges only after desert storms.
  • Shale Serpent – A long, camouflaged reptile that slithers between boulders.
  • Cairnbeast – A large, rock-colored predator that moves silently through the stone fields.
  • Windstriker Hawk – A raptor that hunts small creatures navigating the shifting terrain.
Citadel Mountains (edit) [Show] [Show] [Show] [Show] [Show] [Show] [Show]
Khargaath Range (edit) [Show] [Show] [Show] [Show] [Show] [Show]
Scarspire Range (edit) [Show] [Show] [Show] [Show] [Show]
Tearfall Range (edit) [Show]

The name "Tearfall Range" is derived from its teardrop (horseshoe) shape, believed by Orasians to be formed by the tears of Oras, weeping over the fate of the earth. Ancient myths suggest that the valley within the range was a sacred gift, a place where the land could heal and flourish.

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  • Valeborn Elk – Large, horned beasts that roam the valley’s meadows.
  • Tharok Falcon – A predatory bird that soars above the mountains, hunting along the valley’s edge.
  • Lun-Watch Hound – A stone-skinned guardian beast bred for protecting the valley’s fortifications.
Terraces of Mist (edit) [Show] [Show] [Show] [Show] [Show] [Show] [Show]