Category:Flora and fauna

Revision as of 04:39, 4 March 2025 by Oros (talk | contribs) (Created page with "<PageSchema> <pageforms_Form name="Flora and Fauna"> <CreateTitle>Create Flora and fauna</CreateTitle> <EditTitle>Edit Flora and fauna</EditTitle> <standardInputs inputFreeText="1" freeTextLabel="Free text"/> </pageforms_Form> <Template name="Flora and Fauna Sections" format="sections"> <cargo_TemplateDetails> <Table>Flora and Fauna Sections</Table> </cargo_TemplateDetails> <pageforms_TemplateDetails/> <Field name="Introduction">...")
(diff) ← Older revision | Latest revision (diff) | Newer revision → (diff)
Page schema
Form: Flora and Fauna
CreateTitle Create Flora and fauna
EditTitle Edit Flora and fauna
Form: Flora and Fauna
CreateTitle Create Flora and fauna
EditTitle Edit Flora and fauna
Template: Flora and Fauna Sections
format sections
Table Flora and Fauna Sections
Table Flora and Fauna Sections
Field: Introduction
Label Introduction
Cargo field
Type Wikitext
Allowed values:
Form input
Input type textarea
editor visualeditor
Cargo field
Type Wikitext
Allowed values:
Form input
Input type textarea
editor visualeditor
Field: Flora
Display nonempty
Label Flora
Cargo field
Type Wikitext
Allowed values:
Form input
Input type textarea
editor visualeditor
Cargo field
Type Wikitext
Allowed values:
Form input
Input type textarea
editor visualeditor
Field: Fauna
Display nonempty
Label Fauna
Cargo field
Type Wikitext
Allowed values:
Form input
Input type textarea
editor visualeditor
Cargo field
Type Wikitext
Allowed values:
Form input
Input type textarea
editor visualeditor

Pages in category "Flora and fauna"

The following 4 pages are in this category, out of 4 total.