View table: Mountain_Range_Infobox

Table structure:

  1. Image - Wikitext
  2. Location - String
  3. Highest_Peak - String
  4. Climate - String
  5. Inhabitants - String

This table has 9 rows altogether.

Recreate data.

Page Image Location Highest Peak Climate Inhabitants
Anvil Range (edit)
Eastern Border of Terasil Mount Atal Arid and temperate; cooler at higher elevations Minthari
Astralith Range (edit)
Eastern Terasil, West of the [[Minthal]] Valley Mount Minthros Cold and arid; extreme weather variations Minthari
Boundary Mountains (edit)
Western [[Terasil]], bordering the Highlands Vorl-Kharn Cold, arid highlands; extreme weather at higher elevations [[Orasians]]
Cairnwall Range (edit)
Southwest of Seh-Kal, bordering [[Zanarak]] Tor-Karoth Arid, with extreme temperature fluctuations
Citadel Mountains (edit)
Heart of Terasil Mount [[Oras]] Varies by altitude; desert to alpine conditions Orasians
Khargaath Range (edit)
West and North of the [[Citadel Mountains]] and Sanctuary Vale Mount Kharth Cold, harsh, and arid; stormy winds at higher altitudes [[Orasians]]
Scarspire Range (edit)
Southern Terasil, bordering the [[Zanarak]] Desert Scarspire Summit Arid, extreme heat and high winds Uninhabited
Tearfall Range (edit)
Encircling the Emerald Valley, [[Terasil]] Thal-Vorek Arid at high elevations, temperate in the valley [[Orasians]]
Terraces of Mist (edit)
West of the [[Citadel Mountains]] Mistwatch Peak Varies; highest peaks reach around 12,000 feet